What is Web Factory?

Thank you for using Web Factory. We think you will find it is the easiest and fastest way to make stunning pages for the World Wide Web--both for the Internet and your corporate intranet.

Whether you are a novice or a pro at HTML, Web Factory gives you the power to quickly create complex Web pages. HTML experts will appreciate the ability to edit the HTML source code directly, and see instant results in the preview window. Novices need never even look at the HTML source.

Web Factory Pro's built in ImagEditor, Preview Library, and Dreamcatcher Site Manager are time-savers for everyone. If you purchase Web Factory Author you can purchase ImagEditor, Preview Library, and Dreamcatcher Site Manager as add-on modules.

So leave the worry about HTML to Web Factory, and have fun designing your own great Web pages!

A note to beginning Web Page designers: Although HTML has come a long way in just a couple of years, it is still nowhere near the sophistication of word processing or desktop publishing. HTML does not allow you to specify margins, tabs or other other special spacing. However, you can get around this by creating tables without borders to line up text and images into columns. If you are interested in learning special tricks you can use to push the limts of HTML's restrictive layout capabilities, there are an abundance of books available on the Web and in bookstores.

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